MCAD and CNC Machining Services

Alexandros Siasos Research and Development Studio offers a comprehensive range of engineering services. Whatever your project requirements are we can manage it as Siasos R&D teams a great knowledge background with passionate will for innovation!

This website refers to our specific range of services that aim to serve the demanding manufacturing industry.

Our scientific approach results to optimized solutions that can surpass any competition because OUR SYSTEM WORKS!!!

Post-Processors Developing for your CNC Machine Tools

If your CAM System cannot produce a valid G Code program for your machine tool or in case you need to manually alter the G-Code every time you create a program by using your CAM system, we can help you create first-time-right G-Code programs by developing optimized Post-Processors capable of fully utilizing your machine tools.

We are cappable of developing optimized Post-Processor to mach your specific needs while being fully compatible with your CNC machine controller. Developing post-processors to mach the machine tool requirements, we can assure you that the CNC program exported by your CAM software will be used as is, minimizing the required time-to-manufacture.

First-time-right G Code that fully utilizes your machine tools capabilities, could be the key to become more competitive and enhance your productivity.

Download, fill and send us the Post-Processor request form that refers to your machine tool and we will contact you as soon as posible.

PDF Milling machine Post-Processor request form – up to 5 axes
PDF Lathe Post-Processor request form

CAD Services

If you need fast and high quality 3D CAD services, we are here for you combining years of hands-on experience (the first Greek SolidWorks Certified Expert) with solid mechanical engineering knowledge.

Siasos R&D Studio can offer you high quality CAD services as such:

  • CAD Migration, Drawing Conversion
  • Modification of CAD drawings
  • CAD Libraries Organization
  • Virtual Prototyping – Rendering

Process Planning, CNC programming & CAM

In case that given a part you do not know how it could be manufactured or you cannot program your CNC machine tools to produce it, we can provide you great process planning and CAM services ensuring high productivity!

We can conduct process planning to optimize the procedures to manufacture a given part.

Also, we offer you value added services related to G Code programming providing optimized programs that fully utilize your CNC machine tools.

Reverse Engineering

If you have got a prototype and you need its manufacturing blueprints, we can help you by offering you high quality reverse engineering services.

We can provide you accurate reverse engineering services utilizing the latest methodologies available. We can offer you reverse engineering services creating 2D/3D CAD drawings of prototypes or even damaged parts.

Manufacturing & Prototyping

If you have a virtual prototype (3D CAD Drawing) and you want to manufacture an actual prototype, we can help you realise your idea!

We have access to a wide range of manufacturing processes. We are capable of manual/CNC machining, welding & fabrication, mould making, tool manufacturing, composite layup and rapid prototyping.

With these facilities we are able to offer manufacture of prototypes and small batch production.

Contact Siasos R&D Studio NOW and let us help you maximize your productivity!